3SIXTY Management Services, LLC is excited to announce a new member of its senior leadership team, Bill Klussman. Bill is an expert in solution process design for the engineering of an efficient supply chain – from warehouse optimization to complex global regulatory compliance.
“We are pleased to welcome Bill to 3SIXTY following his stellar career at UPS,” says 3SIXTY Senior Partner Rocky Romanella. “Bill has the right balance of technical, engineering process management skills, business acumen and leadership experience that complement the 3SIXTY brand. He is as comfortable in the C-suite as he is on the shop floor, and in front of customers. Bill’s is highly motivated to help our clients achieve business process and supply chain efficiency.”
Through Bill’s leadership, we add expertise to help clients map their map a strategic end-to-end process including long and short-range planning, asset utilization, capital expenditures, information technology, process measures, monitoring and communication to maximize service and efficiency.
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