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The title of our three-part newsletter series is “How to take your company from good to great.”

In our last newsletter Part 1, we answered the question; How would you define a “good” company, what does that look like? How would you define a “great” company, what does that look like?

In this week’s newsletter Part 2, we will discuss.
• How organizations navigate to greatness
• The five most important things one should know to lead a company from Good to Great.

Part 3 below is an actual case study, detailing how the process worked in a real lifescenario.

Part 1 and Part 2 can be found at https://3sixtymanagementservices.com/category/newsletter

My example from an actual experience.

I was leading our transformation, from a struggling company, to a good company, to a great one. I used what I called my Leadership Transformation. It started with asking myself and my senior team to consider the following and, after discussing with them, we would navigate to greatness using my 5 critical steps.

  1. Do we understand the challenges you face?
  2. Do we understand our role in meeting these challenges?
  3. Do we recognize the importance of and how to invest in our people’s success?
  4. Do we understand the commitment needed and how to take ownership of our results?

Finally, a strong, inclusive communication strategy would be the glue that held it all together. (excerpts of my opening comments at our kickoff meeting are below).

We had a company wide call to action, Rapid Rebuild meeting with all management. It was so important to the culture of our company to take time and reflect on the values and principles that guide us. It’s how we, as leaders, build a strong, uncompromising, and unique culture for our company on our journey back and onto greatness.

That’s one of the main reasons we have gathered you, our management team here today. We have had a very difficult three months – more than most companies have had to endure. Honestly, more than we could have ever anticipated. Yet, I believe we will emerge from this a stronger and more competitive company – like a phoenix. stronger and more competitive company – like a phoenix.

We are all here because we need to begin our journey back and start anew. We began the year as a cohesive team, highly motivated with a strong commitment to growing the business. Today, the same holds true, yet our circumstances are quite different. And so, our tactics and approach must be as well.

Today, and for the remainder of the year, our Call to Action is for the Rapid Rebuild of our brand. We are still on our journey to building a performance culture on our road to operational excellence. However, that road had a fork in it – an unacceptable detour. It was the course we were given; our only path to follow.

Until now.

Going forward, we need to understand our business from an enterprise perspective including what we do well, where there is opportunity to go deeper and wider with current customers, where there is opportunity with new customers in new markets that span the enterprise, and how to sell to a diversified customer base. We will not be in the position to grow through acquisition in the near future. That leaves us with growing organically. This means we are all salespeople, and we all are brand ambassadors. The messages we communicate to our key constituents is especially important. We are all in the role of growing UniTek Global Services.

Our Call to Action includes – in the next few weeks – communicating the vision and expectations to all our constituents. After that, we’ll examine business unit goals including: R.O.I.C., customer segmentation, the competition, our ability to win new business and other strategies. We will also better understand our capabilities and tailor our business accordingly. Following that, we will execute, revise, and continue to refine our vision going forward, including making thoughtful and, at times, difficult decisions.

The goal is to create a vision of perfection centered on the customer. This includes communicating with, educating, and training our people, aligning performance goals, and focusing on accountability.

I’m confident we will become the world-class company we set our minds to be through disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action.

Our success will measured by the degree to which we can get everyone in our organization at every level, to:

  • understand
  • embrace
  • emulate
  • and execute our vision and strategy.

We may have to change our speed and approach but our vision, strategy, mission, and our values have not changed, but are being reinforced and applied quicker and deeper. Regardless values have not changed, but are being reinforced and applied quicker and deeper. Regardless of this adjustment, as the leaders of our organization, we must set the standards for what “Good Looks Like” and replicate it in everything we do.

If you are unclear about where we’re going, our intent is to shine a brighter light on how the journey to our destination will play out. We intend to be a fully integrated solutions provider to many customers in the wired and wireless worlds.

None of us can do this alone. But together we can. We will focus on our Big 8 in the short-term to take us to our long-term goal of being a stronger, unified UniTek.

As leaders, we must always be constructively dissatisfied – continuously improving our business processes, improving our own skills, and developing our people.

We have performed a detailed assessment of our entire enterprise. The due diligence has confirmed a sound business model with core competencies that span the enterprise, presenting a significant market differentiator as we strive to be a fully integrated solutions provider.

Today, we launch a more unified focus on the rapid rebuild of our brand.

Greatness is a function of understanding that we all have a major influence on the performance and behavior of our people. You must continue the emphasis on learning, as well as communicating with your vision. The more our people understand what’s expected of them and where we are headed as an organization, the better able they are to align themselves and work efficiently to accomplish our goals. You must drive the vision down to everyone in your care. Your people look to you for guidance and vision; you can’t let them down. Together, with the right plan, vision, and effective communication, you will work as a team for the common good and a positive contribution that we all can be proud of on our journey to our Greatness Destiny!

Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or to strategize your
Transformation plan at [email protected].

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Remember, People don’t quit on their jobs, they quit on their bosses.

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