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As we spoke about in our last newsletter, I look back at the origins of my book Tighten The Lug Nuts and the process I went through to document my experiences, lessons learned, and stories of an over 40-year career.

The process began, as it always does with me, with the question, “What would good look like?” Which leads to my next question, “What am I trying to accomplish, and if I succeed, what value would it have?”

If nothing else, I am consistent with my approach. I take out my notebook and begin to write a series of questions I would like answered in the final product of my book.

These are some additional questions I wrote after the 2 foundation questions we spoke about in the previous newsletter.

• What is the most important idea I would like to share in my book that will add value to the reader’s life?

It is that values matter. It takes courage of your conviction to make it through the long haul.

1. Leaders live their values and set the tone from the top.
2. Leaders can disagree and are often challenged to find the better way.
3. Live by the rule: you can disagree, but you should not be disagreeable or disrespectful.
4. Be humble and learn everything you can about your job, and then learn some more.
5. Recognizing it is what you do when no one is watching that counts most because it’s the true measure of your character.

The book title was going to be TIGHTEN THE LUG NUTS . . . THE PRINCIPLES OF BALANCED LEADERSHIP. This was core to my leadership style and decision-making approach.

Companies enhance their growth and momentum when they focus on three key constituents. It’s a simple formula I’ve created that creates balance in my decision-making process and ensures the three key constituents have a seat at the decision-making table.

It’s based on these three constituents:
1. Customers: Always think like a customer and understand what keeps them awake at night.
2. People: Always have your people feel like valued individuals and contributors. Make sure they
feel like they are part of the solution and not part of the problem and that their work matters.
3. Share owners and stakeholders: Act like an owner in all your decisions.

What Are My Leadership Beliefs?

For me, it was what you do when no one is watching that counts.

1. Do you live your values?

2. Do you set the tone from the top?

I also always loved the phrase “Make it Fun but Make it Happen.” I believe we should all ask
ourselves some key questions and answer them with a critical eye and with honesty of purpose.

1. How can I add value in this current position and going forward?
2. Do I have a process mind with a strategic vision and the ability to execute the strategy
3. Can I develop a strategy, build a business plan, and execute that plan? Can I provide clear communication and walk the talk?
4. Can I coach my teams to learn to take better control of their day and balance multiple priorities, measuring and following up for continuous improvement?
5. Do I accept the responsibility for my results?
6. Can I effectively assess:

• Who I am
• What I stand for
• What will I never compromise?

Finally, I wanted the book to reflect my personal goal to aspire to lead with inspiration, motivation, training, and development of the people in my care.

Great leaders get people and organizations to attain success beyond what they would have done on their own. There is no doubt my father did this for our family.

In our next newsletter, we will discuss some of the additional questions in my notebook on my Tighten The Lug Nuts writing journey.

Take Your Leadership Skills to the Next Level with Tighten the Lug Nuts: The Principles of Balanced Leadership. https://tightenthelugnuts.com/


Let’s work together. I am a practitioner as well as an educator and motivator, and an experienced senior leader and CEO with over 45 years of boots-on-the-ground experience. I led one of the largest rebranding initiatives in franchising history – The UPS Store, revolutionizing the $9 billion
retail shipping and business services market.

I believe that none of us can achieve success without some help along the way. For each of us, there is a person, a mentor, who we are grateful towards and who can help us get to where we aspire to be. Sharing stories and experiences as a speaker is a way of recognizing the value of these experiences and giving back to the next generation of leaders. It also is a way of demonstrating in words and deed the value I am placing in mentorship. As for me, I have been fortunate to have worked with and mentored by some incredibly special people, and none more incredible than Coach John Wooden.

I have broad experiences to share that can help others as they grow and take on new challenges. During my time as president of UPS Supply Chain Solutions, I integrated over 20 acquisitions that became UPS Supply Chain Solutions. I steered UPS’s entry into the health care industry and created the mantra, “It’s a patient, not a package. ®” With the ability to see a clear vision of the changing business landscape, the passion to develop strategies, tactics, and metrics to drive desired results, and the passion to develop the Best, The Brightest, Most Informed, and Best People in the industries they serve.

Please give me a call today at 610-322-0720 or email at

[email protected]



Looking for quick morning leadership advice in under 5 minutes?
Check out Rocky’s leadership library podcast.



For more information visit our website https://www.3sixtymanagementservices.com/. My book,
Tighten The Lug Nuts, will also serve as a workbook for these important topics and discussions.

Read my latest Forbes article:

Don’t see the image? Click here to read the article.

Visit our web site, https://3sixtymanagementservices.com, as well as my
book, Tighten The Lug Nuts, for additional information.

Contact me at:
[email protected].

Our Sales Training Workshop Includes Classroom Training and Actual
On Road Training as we spend a day with each sales professional.

Looking to become a better leader or get noticed at your job? Buy Rocky’s best selling book:

Looking for quick morning leadership advice in under 5 minutes? Check out Rocky’s leadership library podcast.

Have a leadership question for Rocky? EMAIL ROCKY TODAY

For more information or to book Rocky at your next event, visit our website at https://3sixtymanagementservices.com

Our Sales Training Workshop Includes Classroom Training and Actual
On Road Training as we spend a day with each sales professional.

Remember, People don’t quit on their jobs, they quit on their bosses.

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