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A personal message from Rocky Romanella February 19 2019

In This Issue

  • What makes a great conference?
  • New podcasts
  • Keynote speaking
  • Coaches Corner
  • The Video Library
  • Tighten The Lugnuts
  • Free Assessment


In the last newsletter, we posed an important question: What makes a great conference? We received some very insightful responses:

1. Entertainment
People want to be entertained. Going to a conference is akin to going to a comedy show or concert. They spend a lot of money and energy to go so they want to be entertained.

2. Call to Action
What do you want the masses to do after the event? A great conference means there is a great reason to act and react (and stay in touch).

3. Life Changing Event
How have you changed the lives of the people who have attended? This is the difference between mediocre and awe-inspiring.

4. Recursiveness
How can people revisit the content and “greatest hits” of the presentations? Are the handouts easily available online in a digital format? Have presentations been recorded and then edited into shorter, palatable bits? Did anyone boil the entire conference down into one review?

5. Connective Community
Was an online community set up so conversations could continue long after the event? Who is monitoring the conversations to keep them going?

6. Legacy
A small percentage of the information disseminated at a conference is retained and passed on. . . Ask yourself, “what will the legacy of our conference be 5 years from now?”

I would love to hear what you think and would greatly value your input. The list above is not fully inclusive and you probably have some great ideas you can share. As a motivational keynote speaker I have done this many times, and I pride myself on delivering relevant content that provides exceptional value to my audience. Just drop me a quick email at [email protected] with your answer to “What makes a great conference?”

New Podcast: Workplace Lab Podcast

In this podcast we discuss a variety of topics, including what being a “balanced leader” means and how intrapreneurship differs from its more famous cousin, entrepreneurship. We took an audience question about getting your foot in the door and whether working your way up is worth it. We also discussed legacy. Whether you are early in your career, or have a lot to give back- legacy is important!

Episode 27

Listen To The Podcast

Your Next Conference, Your Next Motivational Speaker, Your Next Topic

To achieve success, you will need to embrace the Balanced Leadership philosophy along with the goals and objectives through walking the talk and your daily actions. Your success will be measured by the degree to which everyone in your organization at every level begins to understand, embrace, emulate, and execute the vision and strategy.

Book Rocky Now

New Keynote: US Naval Sea Cadet Corps

I really enjoyed speaking to a group from the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps. Providing leadership opportunities and practical experience is core to their program. The goal is to form well rounded leadership skills.

Upcoming Keynote: TD Bank, March 14, 2019

We will be discussing career development, mentoring, and the role of the mentor and the mentee. We’ll also hold a book signing.

Book Rocky Now

Interested In A Book Signing

Please contact me personally with any questions or to schedule a book signing. If you would like to purchase books as a gift and would like them signed, call or email me at [email protected] to coordinate.

Or you can use the contact form at 3SIXTYManagementServices.com

Visit The Coach’s Corner

Coach’s Corner

In every newsletter I include a quote from UCLA Coach John Wooden, whom I had the great pleasure to interview while I was a leader at UPS. Coach often said, “The smallest good deed is better than the best intention.” Click below to view the full interview.

Visit The Coach’s Corner

The Video Library is Here (And, You Don’t Need a Library Card)

Time is of the essence for all of us. We are overloaded with information – so much so that we simply cannot digest it all. For this reason, I am very excited to announce our new video library.

Here you can explore important concepts in mere minutes. Short on ideas for your next meeting? There are loads of ideas here. Need a quick video for your next gathering? Looking for a keynote speaker or advisor? You might find just what you are looking for here. New videos are added regularly, so be sure to check back soon.

Visit The Video Library

What Others Are Saying . . .

“Thank you very much for the leadership training you provided to our Sea Cadets.”

“Providing leadership opportunities and practical experience is core to our program. Your perspectives gave our young people insights within the business community that we generally do not offer. A balanced exposure is necessary to help from a well rounded leader.”

“Thank you again for your support of our program.”

CWO2 David R. Sheets, NSCC, Commanding Officer, John t. Dempster, Jr. Division, United States Naval sea Cadet Corps

“Rocky is an authentic speaker with great Passion and Enthusiasm. With over 40 years of “boots on the ground” Leadership experience, he created excitement through his energy, passion and knowledge. He connected with our audience, regardless of size, whether in our Emerging Leaders group, and breakout sessions over two days. In his one to one conversational style, he painted a picture through his unique storytelling and worked hard to understand our groups and business. Through his Balanced Leadership Model there is a laser focus on customer needs, employee empowerment and the demands of stakeholders.”

Adam Bjerke Anchor Paper Co. Board Member of Emerging Executives at Afflink

Even Google likes us. We are ranked at #5 for Motivational Keynote
Speaker 2019, #6 for 2019 Motivational Keynote Speakers and #5 for Best
2019 Motivational Keynote Speakers.

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Tighten the Lug Nuts: The Principles of Balanced Leadership

Leadership is something we all have concerns about. Leadership is not a concept that only applies to certain people in business, government, and civic organizations. The reality is that no matter our age, gender, occupation, educational level, or position in life, each of us touches and influences other lives. In this book, rated 5 stars on Amazon, I present a powerful overview of the concepts of Balanced Leadership and how each of us as leaders in our own way can make a difference and Leave Our Legacy.

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Help your team become more effective and take on bigger and more significant challenges. The 3SIXTY business leadership training team brings decades of experience in our partnership with you to tailor comprehensive leadership development curriculum for your team members and train them on skills that will transform your organization.

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