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A personal message from Rocky Romanella January 8 2019

Welcome to our bi-weekly newsletter! The new year is off and running. Are you ready to take things to the next level? The 100-day plan detailed below can help get your team off to a great start in the New Year.

Our goal is to fill this newsletter with educational information, helpful hints and tips, events, news, podcasts, and discount offerings as a thanks to our loyal readers and customers. The team at 3SIXTY wants this newsletter to be valuable for you so please, please share your feedback and suggestions at https://www.3sixtymanagementservices.com/contact-us to help us improve.

Please feel free to contact me personally with any questions or requests for more information: [email protected].

Keynote Speaking Engagements

New Business Podcasts

New Motivational Keynote Speaker Listing

Finding the best motivational speakers for a particular event can be a real chore. The research is difficult and can require many hours of searching the Internet. I am proud to announce our listing on 500 Speakers. This site features keynote speakers of every type and style – motivational speakers, keynote speakers, leadership speakers, business speakers, event speakers, conference speakers – in short, everything. You can find my listing there under Rocky Romanella Author, International Motivational Keynote Speaker & Consultant

New Podcasts Resource Page

We have experienced a lot of growth this year. So much so that we decided to totally redesign the podcast section of our website. Now you can access all of them at the new podcast page.

New Podcasts:

Would You Mind Spending A Minute with Me – Corine La Font

In this podcast we talked about how we make choices and leaving a legacy. When we think about leadership, we tend to think about business leadership, but it’s much more that that. Parents, coaches and teachers are all leaders – in many ways. Leadership is much more than just a name or a title. Ultimately it is about who you are and what you stand for.

Pitching the Truth Podcast With Gregory Paul – Why You Need To Reboot Your Reputation

We covered a lot in this podcast. Topics included:

The importance of having individuals who will be your sounding board The impact of your childhood experiences on how you are as a leader Leadership lessons from Wells Fargo Leadership is all about alignment Taking inventory of your life as an effective leader who creates a culture of excellence The ‘three times/phases in your career’ and how to go through each phase Mistakes leaders do when giving sanctions Your leadership legacy statement and the benefits of creating a leadership legacy The legendary Joe Scafone plays an important role in explaining the importance of not stopping at the first right answer

Crucial Talks with Mike Sedam MPA MA

I was part of a compilation of interviews chosen as the best of 2018 on the Crucial Talks with Mike Sedam, Best of 2018.


The 100-Day Plan for 2019

The 100 Day Plan For 2019

At this time of year, we start to plan for next year’s results. Our desktops and computer monitors covered with flowcharts, performance reviews and marketing projections, we start the arduous task of plotting the path forward. Yet, despite our best efforts, we sometimes fall short. It is not so much that we don’t know how to plan but may be instead that we focus on the wrong things. More often than not, we get caught up in the day to day activities that require us to put out fires and wrestle with ongoing business challenges.

Our highly praised 100-day plan offers an easy to implement blueprint for a strategic planning process that is both powerful in approach and elegant in its simplicity. This approach to planning resonates deeply with both new and seasoned team leaders.

I believe that when it comes to providing leadership and setting expectations, it starts with me and you as the leader, being clear and concise on the vision for the New Year and the first 100 days. What your people learn and hear first is what they will retain the longest. The speed of the leader determines the pace of the pack and our commitment should be to set the pace. A good plan and vision will give you the ability to start right and stay right throughout the coming year. The plan should be written and communicated so that there is no confusion, to gauge progress and to hold yourself and your people accountable.

More information on the development of a 100-day business plan and a wealth of other strategic planning material is available in ‘Tighten The Lug Nuts: The Principles of Balanced Leadership’. I bring these principles to life in engaging and highly entertaining keynote presentations and breakout sessions. We can work with your team to create a world class event and inspire your audience. Our keynotes and breakout sessions will help your audiences to stabilize, lead, and grow their businesses through our Balanced Leadership approach. Both can provide an education platform tailored to your audience’s needs.


Interested in hosting a book signing event?

Please contact me personally with any questions or to schedule a book signing. If you would like to purchase books as a gift and would like them signed call or email me at [email protected] to coordinate.

Or you can use the contact form at 3SIXTYManagementServices.com.

Coach’s Corner

Be the best coach you can be

I often think about the time I spent with legendary UCLA Coach John Wooden, whom I had the great pleasure to interview while I was a leader at UPS. Each newsletter, I include one of my favorite quotes from Coach Wooden. Coach often said “What is right is more important than who is right.”

Coach Wooden played a key role in helping me to shape my life and values. I’ve incorporated Coach’s Four Laws in many ways over my years as a Balanced Leader – from ensuring safe work methods were followed to establishing leadership expectations. Doing so helps you go beyond coaching to teaching others to act like owners. I believe it’s my duty to positively impact the experiences of those on my team and my customers’ teams.


Book Rocky For Your

Upcoming Keynote

Look No Further For Your Next Motivational Business Leadership Keynote Speaker

“Rocky was our Keynote Speaker at our SSA Convention in Asheville, NC on October 3. Rocky gave an inspiring Keynote presentation. Through his over 40 years of experience and great passion he has a message that he lived and believes, and one our audience and yours can connect with.” Craig Fry, Executive Director, Service Specialists Association

Rocky Romanella is the Founder and CEO of 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC, a management consulting firm specializing in Keynote Speaking, Leadership Development and Consulting Services. Rocky creates excitement through his energy, passion and knowledge and will connect with your audience, regardless of size, in a one-to-one conversational style. Rocky will incorporate his Balanced Leadership Model with your business goals to help your audience better focus on customer needs, employee empowerment and the demands of shareholders.

Rocky is an experienced CEO who, during his time at UPS, led one of the largest re-branding initiatives in franchising history; The UPS Store, revolutionizing the $9 billion retail shipping and business services market. While leading The UPS Store, the network increased retail units, same-store sales by 5.8%, outpacing the National Retail Federation results of 4.6% during a recession.

He also led the integration of more than 20 acquisitions that became UPS Supply Chain Solutions and lead its improved financial performance, capabilities and global network footprint.

Rocky has the rare ability to see a clear vision of the changing business landscape, the passion to develop strategies, tactics and metrics to drive desired results.

Keynote topics designed to educate, inspire and motivate your audience, include:

Balanced Leadershipdeep dive into the Balanced Leadership philosophy along with eight drivers of success that are relative to all businesses

Think Like a Customerdiscussion focused on customer service and the value proposition

Act Like an Ownerfocused on company culture and leadership principles

Feel Like a Valued Employeea look into employee development and succession planning

Why Values Mattervalues are all about people and managing acceptable behavior, which helps balance profits, company goals and individual objectives.


Who is Joe Scafone?

Who Is Joe Scafone?

Effective leaders MUST get buy-in from their teams on many issues. However, many of us have a difficult time communicating what must be done without stepping on toes, appearing to be threatening or putting our team members on the defensive. Using just one simple (and extremely powerful) idea, Joe Scafone can help you accomplish this, using a concept your team will love. Frankly, this may be one of the most important leadership concepts you will ever encounter. Have you met Joe? Would you like to?


The Video Library is Here

(and you Don’t Need a Library Card)

Time is of the essence for all of us. We are overloaded with information – so much so that we simply cannot digest it all. For this reason, I am very excited to announce our new Video Library.

Here you can explore important concepts in mere minutes. Short on ideas for your next meeting? There are loads of ideas here. Need a quick video for your next gathering? Looking for a keynote speaker or advisor? You might find just what you are looking for here.


What Others Are Saying…

“Rocky was an inspiration to our Carnegie Business Collaborative (CBC) networking members. He was motivating, informative and fun and gave us real life examples on his balance leadership experiences. We all went back to our offices better leaders today because of him. I am thrilled and honored to have had Rocky at our networking meeting and the entire group felt the same. And ‘The Lugnuts’ were flying outta there. I urge you to get your copy.” Christopher Kuhn, President & CEO, ELO Consulting, LLC, CBC Networking Group Member

“Rocky Romanella has written a highly useful and highly readable book for ANYONE wishing to be a more effective (and happy) leader. His storytelling approach makes the book an entertaining read, and the lesson summaries that complete each chapter serve as a blueprint for putting the information into practice. I’d recommend Tighten the Lug Nuts to new leaders as well as experienced leaders. If you don’t learn something from this book, you’re not trying!” Dennis Snow, President of Snow & Associates Inc., author of Unleashing Excellence, the Complete Guide to Ultimate Customer Service


Tighten The Lug Nuts

An Amazon 5-Star Book

Why did you write this book?

Leadership is something we all have concerns about. Leadership is a concept that only applies to certain people in business, government, and civic organizations. The reality is that no matter our age, gender, occupation, educational level, or position in life, each of us touches and influences other lives.

Through this extension, we are all leaders to someone at some time. It can be a person under our supervision or care, a spouse we honor and live with, or a child we nurture, a student we teach, or a player we coach. It could be as simple as a fellow member of our church or religious affiliation, club, league or association. However it is usually identified by the fact we have made a positive difference through our actions and examples. With this sense of responsibility and being lifelong learners, we are constantly in pursuit of knowledge, whether written or experienced, of how to be a good leader and how to improve our skills.

We take great pride in the books we have read and where they sit on the best-seller list.

I often find that some of the best examples and learning experiences come from the stories we tell and the experiences we share. Sometimes they come from the stories we learned as children or read to our children as parents or grandparents. I have found that leaders must develop emotional intelligence along with their educational intelligence and business acumen. Sometimes a simple story, I find, can help people see the bigger picture, promote moral and ethical behavior, and maybe, just maybe, help us to not take ourselves so seriously.


Free Assessment

Transform Your People and Your Operational Processes

Help your team become more effective and take on bigger and more significant challenges. The 3SIXTY business leadership training team brings decades of experience in our partnership with you to tailor comprehensive leadership development curriculums for your people and train them on skills that will transform your organization.


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