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A Personal Message from Rocky Romanella September 25 2018

Welcome to our bi-weekly newsletter! You’ll find that it is filled with educational information, helpful hints and tips, events, news, podcasts, and in future editions, discount offerings as a thanks to our loyal readers and customers. The team at 3SIXTY wants this newsletter to be valuable for you so please, please share your feedback and suggestions at www.3sixtymanagementservices.com/contact-us to help us improve.

As our economy continues to heat up, and many businesses are experiencing growth and expansion, we will discuss some of these important topics in future editions. It is my sincere hope that I can provide information that can enhance your team’s business leadership skills to help your business grow and your team members thrive. You are welcome to forward this newsletter to others who might benefit from the information it contains. Please feel free to contact me personally with any questions or requests for more information.

Coach’s Corner

Be the best coach you can be

I often think about the time I spent with legendary UCLA Coach John Wooden, whom I had the great pleasure to interview while I was a leader at UPS. Each newsletter, I will add one of my favorite quotes from Coach Wooden. He once said, “A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.”

Coach Wooden played a key role in helping me to shape my life and values. As a Balanced Leader, I strive to go beyond mere coaching. I believe it’s my duty to positively impact the experiences of those in my charge..


Keynote Speaking Engagements

New Business Podcast

New Podcast: Shock Your Potential
We covered a lot of ground in this in-depth podcast. We started by discussing some advice given to me by my father; advice that I have carried with me to this day. My dad’s advice instilled in me two very important concepts. He said:

1. Whatever they ask you to do, say “Yes, and thank you.”

2. Learn the job and learn some more.

On the surface these concepts seem simple, yet it is sometimes in simple ideas that real power can be discovered.

We also discussed an extremely important concept that helped me move forward in my career and helped me develop confidence. That is believe in your people until they are ready to believe in themselves. UPS believed in me and, following my Dad’s advice, I met the challenges presented and took the opportunities offered me. I said, “Yes and thank you.” This works both ways. Believe in your team members until they are ready to believe in themselves and you will help create a culture that will allow your organization to not merely survive, but to thrive.

Finally, we discussed the importance of not stopping at the first right answer. How do we challenge people to push past the first right answer? The legendary Joe Scafone plays an important role in helping us understand why this is so important. Who is Joe Scafone? The answer is revealed in this podcast.

New Podcast: Reid Method Insider Podcast

I was happy to join Everold Reid to discuss “Why Values Matter in Life and Business.” Most important among the topics we discussed are the three questions we need to ask – both as a business professional and as individual:

Who are we?
What do we stand for?
What are the things we won’t compromise?

The three takeaways from this podcast include:

Value those on your team who work tirelessly to create “aha” moments for your brand.

Effective leaders create a culture of excellence that manifests itself in the daily actions of their associates and ultimately defines your brand. They are your “value added.”

The quality of the relationship is directly proportional to your efforts. When you feel like a valued individual you are more likely to put in the time and effort to build these relationships.


New Video Conference: Job Seekers Summit

I also participated in a video conference that will occur over five days, with approximately five videos released per day, called the Job Seekers Summit to air October 2018. The purpose of this online conference is to provide valuable insights to job seekers on how to most effectively market and promote themselves to achieve their next position.
Participants will be primarily from the U.S., and expectations are for over 10,000 registrants. As one of the premier experts, I taped a 30-minute video and audio session to air during the October Summit.

SSA Convention, Asheville, North Carolina October 3-4
It is a pleasure to be the keynote speaker at the Service Specialists Association (SSA) Convention in Asheville on October 3. The SSA is a trade association serving independent specialists in the heavy-duty truck repair industry. The group includes brake repair shops, alignment and frame service repair facilities and parts distribution houses as well as the manufacturers and suppliers who provide parts and services to those shops.
During my keynote address we will be discussing the concept that great leaders rise to the top, but all need development and training along the way.
Key take-aways from the keynote:

  • Identifying leadership priorities
  • Developing strategies that support accountability, high performance, and leadership competencies
  • Connecting performance back to business results
  • Driving employee engagement through leadership strategy and communications
  • Building winning teams

Rockstar Auto Conference Keynote

I am excited to be one of the keynote speakers at the Rockstar Auto Conference in Las Vegas, October 14-15. Rockstar Auto Conference was born from the belief that there is a better way for people to do business in the automotive industry. Rockstar is a network of professionals who are passionate about serving car dealers and their clients with a better experience: vendor partners that want to see positive, lasting change in the industry and dealers who are tired of searching for a positive environment for learning. Rockstar presents the most exciting speakers in leadership, sales and marketing. They believe every dealer deserves the best performance possible from their vendors and that every attendee deserves to leave their events better than when they arrived.

If you have an upcoming event, consider Rocky for a keynote. Or for smaller sessions, we can help you develop a dynamic and motivating program for your team – from training sessions, to breakouts, lunch and learns, and more. We can help you bring to life vitally important concepts from our Business Leadership Training curriculum. Find out more about our approach to business leadership training.


Book Rocky For Your

Upcoming Keynote

Rocky is the Founder and CEO of 3SIXTY Management Services, LLC, a management consulting firm specializing in Keynote Speaking, Business Leadership Development and Consulting Services. He’s an experienced CEO who, during his time at UPS, led one of the largest re-branding initiatives in franchising history; The UPS Store, revolutionizing the $9 billion retail shipping and business services market. He also led the integration of more than 20 acquisitions that became UPS Supply Chain Solutions and led its improved financial performance, capabilities and global network footprint. After retiring from UPS his experiences grew to include, CEO and Director for UniTek Global Services, a telecommunications company and he is currently on the Board of Goodman Networks.

Keynote topics designed to educate, inspire and motivate your audience, include:

Balanced Leadershipdeep dive into the Balanced Leadership philosophy along with eight drivers of success that are relative to all businesses

Think Like a Customerdiscussion focused on customer service and the value proposition

Act Like an Ownerfocused on company culture and leadership principles

Feel Like a Valued Employeea look into employee development and succession planning

Why Values Mattervalues are all about people and managing acceptable behavior, which helps balance profits, company goals and individual objectives.


What Others Are Saying…

“Rocky is a skilled author using his vast executive experience to teach leadership in a very approachable way. His book, Tighten the Lug Nuts, is inspirational and insightful. I interviewed Rocky several times and was impressed with his strong speaking ability and willingness to share his lessons as a leader so generously. I very much recommend Rocky as a speaker and author.” Liz Roney, Organizational Change Agent, The Leadership Coaching Group

“Rocky wowed the audience with his relatability and deep understanding of what it takes to not just lead but lead successfully. He did his homework with the group; attending the roundtable session, asking intuitive questions and mingling at the receptions.” Kristi Spargo, Managing Editor, JDT National Association of Dental Laboratories.


Need help optimizing your operations and team building

Utilize this Team Building Competency Starter List with team building/team effectiveness defined as follows:

  • Establishes a climate where team collaboration and effectiveness flourishes;
  • Establishes constructive and solid interpersonal relationships;
  • Treats others with courtesy, tact and respect;
  • Works effectively with others, regardless of organizational level, background, gender, race or ethnicity;
  • Works to resolve disagreements, attempting to persuade others and reach agreements
  • Supporting group decisions when group decisions are appropriate;
  • Leads and facilitates team interaction and maintains focus on group goals.


Tighten The Lug Nuts

An Amazon 5-Star Book

One reader’s thoughtful comment

Thanks again for signing your book for my children and providing an additional copy for their dad. Coincidentally, I read the book on my flight into Newark last evening. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I was able to take away several topics for myself as well as my children. I thought that it was appropriate (unplanned) that I told my family about the book over our dinner of spaghetti and meatballs last night. Jeff Williams, VP Sales & Marketing – Aftermarket Division

Is there a central message in the book? Here’s more from Joe Scafone

Legacy: As you grow and develop, take on new challenges or simply move into a new phase of your life, you will be faced with complications and adversity that may set you back. Honesty, perseverance, and trustworthiness will become major factors in overcoming these obstacles and creating your personal brand and your legacy. Along the way, you come to a decision point or stage gate. Your choice is simple but profound in each instance, but a decision must be made. Your choices are LEAD, FOLLOW, or GET OUT OF THE WAY.

If you choose to lead you will need to be an honest and trusted leader to establish your vision, mission, and values so that those in your care or supervision will trust you enough to follow. As a lifelong learner, you are constantly forging a path to transform yourself into a high-character, high-performance leader. You will never be without challenges both in life and business. But if you are focused and ready to face these complex business challenges and personal changes with discipline, determination, honesty of purpose, and in an ethical manner you will be successful. Whether we realize it or not, we are all here to determine what our real intent is in life. For each person it may be different.

For some this might mean being a great spouse, father, leader, or mentor. For many of us our desire to create a legacy might simply mean to leave the place a little better than they found it.

Purpose-driven people put their morals, character, and honesty first. Without purpose, we drift. With purpose, we steer. You have a responsibility to yourself and to others to use your best judgment, weigh your options carefully, and make the right decisions—even if they’re not the most favorable or popular, even when no one is watching! When you do this, you honor yourself and your values. Wherever your path takes you, know that your trustworthiness is your highest honor. For if you are a trusted leader, others will believe in your vision, mission, and values and will trust in you enough to follow you. That will be your legacy. As a person, your core beliefs are not what you would like them to be, but rather what lives and breathes in you as a person. The good news is that you will have many opportunities in a career and in life to demonstrate these values and beliefs, but only one chance to get it right each time.

Live your word. Leave a legacy.

The Lesson:

  • Create your legacy. Continuous improvement and development require constant calibration and optimizes performance
  • Instill continuous learning as a foundation of business success.
  • Pass along your legacy as a Balanced Leader. The people in your care as well as your customers and stakeholders will thank you with their loyalty, the most sustainable dividend.
  • Leave it a little better than you found it.


Free Assessment

Transform Your People and Your Operational Processes

Is it possible for your company to grow and develop if your people don’t grow and develop their business leadership traits and improve your business processes?

Help your team become more effective and take on bigger and more significant challenges. The 3SIXTY business leadership training team brings decades of experience in our partnership with you to tailor comprehensive leadership development curriculums for your people and train them on skills that will transform your organization.


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