I believe it is important as senior leaders that we insist that our organization and leaders adhere to high ethical standards and social responsibility. Considering all the changes we have been through, and the difficulty organizations are having in attracting and retaining top talent, I think it should be a way of life.
As leaders, we must demonstrate honesty, transparency, and integrity in both our business and personal life. We must set the tone from the top as it pertains to financial and workplace ethical standards and behavior.
We should model civic responsibility and encourage employees to accept social responsibility for giving back in ways consistent with the organization’s ethical and social values.
Here are some of the ways for us to model this behavior:
Servant Leadership: Being attentive to the needs of the people in our care, empathizing with their concerns, and serving their best interests.
Valuing Diversity: Encouraging a wide range of viewpoints among team members to avoid group thinking and create more culturally sensitive solutions.
Distributing Rewards Fairly: Ensuring that pay, recognition, and other rewards are distributed in a fair manner, with clear guidelines and enforcement of those guidelines.
Responsibility for Others: Willingness to be responsible for the behavior of subordinates in one’s organization and correct their unethical behaviors.
Avoiding Exploitative Mentality: Not sacrificing concern for others or using people and exploiting them to achieve goals for the organization.
Through living values, we are exhibiting uncompromising integrity and commitment to our corporate values, our people principles, and business conduct policies. We are building trust and instilling self-confidence through a mutually respectful, ongoing communication strategy of dignity and trust.
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: Performance of a Successful Team
For more information visit our website https://www.3sixtymanagementservices.com/. My book,
Tighten The Lug Nuts, will also serve as a workbook for these important topics and discussions.
Read my latest Forbes article:
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Visit our web site, https://3sixtymanagementservices.com, as well as my
book, Tighten The Lug Nuts, for additional information.
Contact me at:
[email protected].
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Remember, People don’t quit on their jobs, they quit on their bosses.