As I wrote my first book Tighten the Lug Nuts, my vision was simple: I wanted it to be a good read that was helpful and motivating. Additionally, my hope was that readers would see that it was relevant in more than the business world and section of the book shelf. As I read the newspaper each day, watch the news and discuss current events with friends and family, it is clear to me that a core principal that I speak about in the book is more important in today’s world than ever before. Regardless of what section of the paper you read, politics, sports, business or entertainment, in the United States or around the world, VALUES MATTER.
Leadership is something we all have concerns about. Leadership is a concept that is not reserved for or only applies to certain people in business, government, or civic organizations. The reality is that no matter our age, gender, occupation, educational level or position in life, each of us touches and influences other’s lives. Through this extension we are all leaders to someone at some time. It can be a person under our supervision or care, a spouse we honor and live with, or a child we nurture, a student we teach or a player we coach. It could be as simple as a fellow member of our church or religious affiliation, club, league or association, but it is usually identified by the fact we have made a positive difference through our actions and examples.
Leaders live their values and set the tone from the top. Leadership is not a passive duty – it is an active responsibility. This means providing people with the leadership they need to successfully reach their desired goals in concert with those of the organization.
Values are all about people and managing acceptable behavior. The truth is you’re going to have to work at whatever it is you hope to achieve in your life. But it’s how you face it that speaks to your character.
Your true character is defined by your honesty of purpose. Your purpose is sacred and authentic. Honesty is what’s at the core of your moral character. It’s being trustworthy, loyal, fair, sincere and true, even when it is difficult to be. It is not only how you create your values, but also how you add value to the lives of others.
It starts with creating a strong value system, which then must relate to your personal or professional mission and vision. Your personal brand. It must be a guide for all you do. It must align with your personal value system.
In business, it should start with the people you recruit and hire. In your personal life it may be the people you choose to associate with as friends, business partners and acquaintances.
For me this book was a tribute to a wonderful family and it was written in grateful respect for an excellent career that I feel very fortunate and blessed to have lived, learned from, and experienced. It also gave me an opportunity to recognize and say thank you to two very influential people in my life, my dad, Pasquale, and my thoughtful, caring wife, friend, and partner, Debbie Romanella, affectionately known as “the Hon.”
As you go through the current events of the day, find those people to thank for their guidance and mentorship and take inventory of all those you have mentored, guided and inspired along the way. Some of you will be very proud, some of you need to get to work. It all starts with Your Values and Your Legacy.
Considering the current news of the day, I hope Tighten the Lug Nuts can be the book that can help to illustrate WHY VALUES MATTER.
One of the best ways we recognize these wonderful influencers in our lives is by recognizing them.
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Pick up a copy of Tighten The Lug Nuts where many of these thoughts and concepts are built out further,
“In the service business, people are our most important asset. The time we spend with our people is an investment in the future, not an expense or burden on our time. This time you with your people is an investment. You cannot successfully grow the business without an investment in people. “
Rocky Romanella
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