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The Top Ten List has become so inextricably linked to David Letterman and his two late night talk shows, that it’s hard to believe the bit didn’t start with his very first show. But it didn’t.

The first Top Ten List appeared on Sept. 18, 1985, a few years into Letterman’s “Late Night” run on NBC.

According to People magazine in 1990, the lists were originally conceived to run for two or three weeks and then be retired. But somehow, they persevered and carried over to Letterman’s “Late Show” program on CBS. They were originally intended as a parody of Good Housekeeping magazine’s “Most Admired Men” list.

The topic of the first list was the inauspicious “Top Ten Words That Almost Rhyme With ‘Peas.’”
Over the years, the list has originated from the fictional “Top Ten Home Office” which has moved to 11 different cities since 1985. Originally, it was Milwaukee. But it has also come from Lebanon, Penn.; Lincoln, Neb.; Oklahoma City; Omaha; Scottsdale, Ariz.; Tahlequah, Okla.; Oneonta, N.Y.; Sioux City, Iowa; Grand Rapids, Mich.; and Wahoo, Neb., which is the current home office.

What would be on your list of the Top Ten Essential Ingredients of Leadership? Here are a few of mine:
1. Do you deserve the respect of the people in your care, your peers, your boss, and those you have relationships with?
2. Do you treat them with dignity and respect?
3. What are the things that you do to be helpful to them?
4. Do you view them as part of the solution or part of the problem?
5. Do you take the time to understand some of the issues that may be affecting their performance?
6. How carefully do you listen?
7. Are you viewed as a person who is sincere, fair, honest and impartial as a leader?

I would love to hear what you think and would greatly value your input. Please give me your thoughts on this list and let me know what YOU would add to fill out the final 3 spots on the list. Just drop me a quick email at [email protected] with your ideas regarding The Essential Ingredients of Leadership, and visit our web site at www.3sixtymanagementservices.com for more information on this topic and one that can be a great Breakout session topic as well.

For more on leadership and many other topics, pick up your copy of TIGHTEN THE LUG NUTS and visit our website at https://www.tightenthelugnuts.com.

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Great leaders challenge their people NOT TO STOP AT THE FIRST RIGHT ANSWER.

Tighten The Lug Nuts is that book that will help you move past that first right answer and is full of detailed examples that are organized in an educational and entertaining way to form a framework of real-world concepts. This book serves as a blueprint that can be easily applied by leaders, entrepreneurs, and all of us in our everyday lives.

This is one of the best leadership books you can read to help you accelerate towards your personal and professional goals.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or a first-time manager, Tighten The Lug Nuts is not only motivational but also a call to action for those who have yet to make a mark in their field. Visit https://tightenthelugnuts.com/ for additional information and to order your copy today.

“Personal Integrity – you always do what is right for your customers, people, shareowners, and stakeholders no matter how difficult the right answer may feel. You role model consistency between your words and actions; you live your word; you establish open, candid, trusting respectful relationships at all levels and you treat all people inside and outside fairly. Finally, you make decisions that are effective rather than politically correct.”
Rocky Romanella

Visit the Leadership Library at https://www.3sixtymanagementservices.com/rockys-podcast/.


Rocky was recently interviewed by a British TV outlet, BV-TV, for the Achiever Leader Show. You
can view that video at the homepage at 3SixtyManagementServices.com.

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